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Thanksgiving Visit to Southern CA
November 22-26, 2011
We arrived on a Tuesday and headed straight for Jerry's Deli in Marina Del Rey for a lunch visit with friend Prachit.
In Los Angeles, even the food is handsome!

Wednesday, we met fellow Encino Elementary School alum Randy Moss at an Asian restaurant, Todai, where there was something for every taste.
We got so engaged in our visiting that they had to remind us that, while we were there, we shouldn't forget to eat!

Wed evening, we met up with friends from MW spine fellowship days at Cedars.
Clockwise from left: Tito (young ladykiller, already with a gf at age 7), Lilly (at age 3 an expert at iphone games), Samantha, Bob, Merle, MW, and Liz (who left the world of surgery scheduling to become a teacher...you go girl!!!)

For Thursday, a day that is rued by turkeys around the country, I am cheered on as I ready myself for the traditional carving activities.

Alexis gets some tips on carving

And I get some tips on posing upside down.

After the carving is done, a more sedate pose with Alexis and my mother.
Friday am, we get to catch up at Uncle Arthur and Aunt Gloria's house with cousin Brenda, my stepmother Mollie, and cousin Brian and his two kiddies (who are getting bigger!) Louie and Sammy.

...all of who are none too busy for a game of after-brunch croquet!
Friday afternoon, we make it to Irvine so Merle can visit with her friends Mycel, Bianca, and RC, with photo taken by their son Kyle.
While I did not have the subtitles, the discussions between Mycel and Merle allowed Merle to be comfortable on this trip to purchase an iphone!

Our last stop was to visit friends Paula and Salomon and their other guests in Laguna Beach.. Here is the view just after sunset off Paula's balcony. This little camera just doesn't do it justice.
Merle helped to prepare the dinner (Paula's request), and here takes a little break for a photo with Emilio.

After the appetizers, we need to burn off some energy, so nothing works like a salsa dance lesson!
While we were cleaning up, Paula presented a little surprise: a cake for Merle's bday!

I wonder if Merle was wishing for more room in her stomach...since all the food was so good!!
Thanks, Paula!
And finally, on a more sad note, we learned that my mom's husband, Dick, who had been very ill, passed away on 11/26, the day we left to return to Albany.
Dick was a great guy, an excellent husband, and also had a charming dry humor about him.
I am glad we had a chance to visit with him to say goodbye. He will be missed.
May he rest in peace.