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Visit to Los Angeles Aug 1-4, 2013 for the occasion of Bar Mitzvah of cousin Louie Kahn, August 3.
Our first stop was for lunch at a place in Marina Del Rey, C&O Cucina, and it was great.
We visited with our friend Marta who gave me an earful.

While Merle visited a friend in Marina Del Rey, I had a chance to catch up with Lisa and her daughter Wednesday, and we even had a chance to bike around Venice a bit, to visit some old haunts and see places where TV shows are sometimes filmed.

Later, we had a chance to catch up with Mimi at the Jamaica Bay hotel in Marina Del Rey. We got there before Mimi, and the hostess told us to look around and find a place to sit. One of the waiters saw us looking around told us to go back to the waiting area. Once seated, guess who our waiter was?
A little awkward for him, but we had a good visit with Mimi and some rocking bread pudding and espresso chip ice cream afterwards.

Just like the good ol' days!!
(UCLA Dance Marathon circa '82)
Great visit, Meems!
Next am, Aug 2, on the way to drop off Merle at her Filipino friend's house, we of course stop at the local Asian market for Merle to pick up a few items that are hard to find in the metropolis of Albany, GA.
Fortunately, I was able to convince Merle not to bring home in our carry on any fresh fish.

On the ride to their restaurant, Merle was in charge of babysitting the kids of her friend Nerie. The young man in front is counting the ways he knows of how to play tricks on the babysitter.
They had a great lunch at a restaurant in West Covina called Salo Salo, which probably translates as "Tagalog is spoken here."

Meanwhile, back in the Valley, I had a chance to meet up with fraternity brother Jerry Goodman to catch up at a local Panera.
We even had time for a quick visit to Costco afterwards.
Talk about living large!!
I had a chance to also meet up with another fraternity brother, David Gurnick (aka The Gurn) as we enjoyed the view of the SF Valley from his office window.

And we haven't changed much since the ol' days, have we?
Later, for dinner visit, we went to stepmother Mollie's house to visit with (top row) Margie, her daughter Halie, Mollie, her beau Marc, MW, then (bottom row) Merle, Doug (my sister's bf), Lori, and in the background foraging for food, Pepper.

Also, just like the ol' days too!
Sat am, Aug 3, day of Louie's Bar Mitzvah, the sibs prepare to go for our power walk, and to iron out all the issues in our respective lives.
Okay, David, you go first....

Eventually, we cleaned up and made it to the gig!
Seated in anticipation!

Let the show begin!
Louie did a great job, and was very self assured for a young man.
Here at our table at the sports themed reception we visit with cousins Brenda and Steve.
They even had Cracker Jacks! Doesn't get better than that.

We had the honor of lighting one of the thirteen candles, here seen in the act thereof...
But afterwards, like a Hollywood premiere, we didn't know which camera to look at!!

Back at Aunt Gloria's (one of Louie's grandmothers) we had a chance to visit more, and of course, eat more, and take a few more pics.

The Wolgins.

Okay, now show us how you really feel.
Sunday, Aug 4, this is the closest I'm going to get to taking Merle for a walk...
walking between the terminals in LAX!

It was a nice visit.
Now back to it.
(and apologies to anyone we didn't get a chance to visit with...)