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Visit to NYC (to see shows) Jan 25-28, 2024
As big Hamilton fans, and as I followed the impulses of the Merle bear, we wound up starting and ending our trip with Hamilton. After arriving and checking into the hotel, we grabbed a subway Uptown to see a statue of him and then his house.

His dining room (re-created, as things would have been pretty dusty by now)
That evening, having planned ahead, we got to see Moulin Rouge, with the leads pictured here on this poster.
They were amazing. The dude looked like a cross between Jim Carrey and Matt Dillon, and they all had amazing voices.

Our seats, indicated by where Merle is standing, were perfect.

Our view of the stage.

Final bows, or for the cast, what they call
"just another day at the office."

Then of course, the obligatory Times Square pic.
Friday, 1/26: Merle wanted to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge but to get there, we had to catch a subway Downtown at Grand Central Station.
Man, that place was like...
Grand Central Station.

We made it there, but it was quite chilly, with the wind chilling the bones.

Next stop was Chinatown to look for some foods Merle was craving, and then we got a coffee at a place just to warm up a bit.

After that, back to Times Square to see what tickets we could score for Friday night and Sat matinee.
Good thing the advertising in Times Square, with that guy's belt, is not suggestive of anything.

After buying tickets, I went off to see my friend Richard Ordin who lives in the city (forgot to take a pic together...Doh!!) while Merle got warm in the hotel room.
Friday night, Aladdin.
Still can't figure out how they did that magic carpet deal.
The singing and dancing were incredible.

Merle got another photo.
She calls this one "The End."

Sat 1/27: I got to visit with a friend of mind and Investment advisor Alina shown here in front of the NY Library, while Merle took an early train to Queens to see her family.

Sat matinee: Book of Mormon,
and below, is Merle's final cast pic.
(they were great also. It's like they should be on Broadway or something!!)

In between matinee and evening shows, stopped into Juniors for a Rueben and a rest.

And Saturday night (drum roll...)

Here we are standing at our seats. Great view, great show.

And Merle's final finale pic

I asked Merle to turn in her book report or the weekend, and here is her submission, including a few autographs (in red).
Now back to regular life.
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