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Sister and Brother Visit Albany, June 17-20, 2010
Lori and David came to help celebrate MW's upcoming 50th bday by visiting Albany. They came bearing gifts, opened following our being fed by Merle after their arrival.

The gift that keeps on giving:
A congratulatory wine bottle that I had given to David for his ZBT pledge pinning January '83, was given back to me by David on my graduation from medical school June '86, then was given back to David for his marriage to Van in August '04, and was finally being given back to me for celebration of my 50th birthday for June 21, 2010.
However, the cork dried out and the wine leaked out, so maybe, are we done with this bottle?

Well, are we?
The next day, Friday, I worked a half day while David and Lori work out at a local gym. Afterwards, we cruised by the main hospital in town to check out the bulletin board created by a collaboration of Merle, my mother, and an x-ray tech named Sheila.

Here's the bulletin board.
This one should tide me over for the next 50 years.

Then off to see some of the sights of Albany. Here, the camera goes off before I can get ourselves posed a bit, in front of the Riverquarium.
Okay, that's better.
We watched as the little kids let the water run up their bathing suits.

We went to the Visitor Center where Lori and David saw the Ray Charles statue and couldn't help themselves: they started channeling his energy.
Or it was a simultaneous seizure.

We went to find Radium Springs. As the person at the Visitor Center mentioned, the turn off was not well marked.
This picture was from a little observation platform.

Here's another one from closer to the water's edge. Although a little warm, it was very peaceful down there. And the better news: no fearsome critters!
Friday evening, we had a great dinner at the local fish place, The Catch.
The wait was long enough that we had a chance to go shopping for laptops for a bit first. Just looking, though.

Saturday am, we were able to borrow some bikes and ride around the local 'hoods. Here, we stop at Lake Park Elementary School to climb on the monkey bars. David also showed us some other workout techniques.
As you can see, I'm taking them very seriously!
On the ride, we stopped by the Albany Museum of Art where they had some Lichtenstein prints. It was actually pretty cool, literally and figuratively (good air conditioner!).

We continued on our bike ride to feed the ducks around Lake Loretta.
David felt his energy level fading, so we calmed his concerns by feeding him some of the carbs I had brought for the ducks. We got a good 20 more minutes of riding out of him, enough to make it back!

After a shower and a lunch...and a nap, we were off to see the Albany Civil Rights Museum. We had a personal tour of the museum as we were the only visitors there.
Another photo op in Ray Charles Plaza. The song playing: Georgia On My Mind.
After visiting these sites of historical interest, naturally, we progressed to the next step: shopping for cell phones.

Back at home, we fired up the grill, and David grilled some rib-eyes and some veggies.
What better way to unwind after a big meal than with some karaoke! Here Lori regales us with some Michael Buble music...but a more informal version.