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Visit to Los Angeles, April '09
Merle and I were able to make two seders, one on a Wed and one on a Sat in early April. It's a new model of visiting efficiency!
First stop, Camarillo, CA, to drive through migrant workers in strawberry fields forever to meet up with Katy Boese who moved from Albany to CA, but still was working for our office through the magic of the internet connection.
Then it was off to Burbank, CA, for Wednesday seder at the home of Lana and my cousin Brian. Brian was suffering from a herniated disc, but all I could do was listen empathetically...then call the pharmacy for some better drugs.
I call this photo below "Self Portrait with Uncle Arthur."

This picture of Merle and I with the Manos family is actually the less blurry one.

The next day we were off to visit Barbara Dore, who still lives across the street on Weddington from where MW grew up. She lives with Chris Aiello, who grew up on the next street. We got to reminisce a good bit. Although it's probably because I'm bigger now, the physical things I remember about that house, like the fireplace, the kitchen, and the backyard, seemed smaller than I remember them.
Of course, the swingset is gone. :-(

Then, we were off to Redondo Beach where we met up with friend from college Mimi Teller, now Mimi Teller Rosicky (here's a plug for her, she does great work, check out her stuff at for a quick French lunch, or as they say sometimes where I live now, a samich.
Just another sunny day in Redondo Beach!

After visiting Mimi, we were off to the O.C. to visit friend Paula. We met her for a great dinner and then went to the Orange County Performing Arts Center to see Avenue Q with Jaqui's godmother, Nina.

We spent the night a Paula's newly remodeled house in the hills of Laguna Beach with fabulous views of the coast. Here are some pics from the next am before we hit the road.

After leaving Paula's, we were off the the San Fernando Valley, more specifically, Encino, even the really good part, where we met up with Nathan and Ellen at Nathan's sister Lauren's house. Nathan and I went to Balboa Park to shoot some hoops. Of course, we got into a good game with some other guys and stayed longer than anticipated. This activity is probably the guy version of shopping.

Merle visited while we were gone.

After the exercise and a shower, we were off to a much anticipated corned beef sandwich at Art's Deli in Studio City. They ain't got nothin' like this in Albany, that's for sure!
From left, Nathan's mom, Nathan, Ellen, Merle, MW, Lauren.

And then we're cool for a quick picture when we got back...
...until the corned beef kicked in.

Sat am, we met up with Sue and Marta for a little breakfast (another deli) in Culver City.
No big surprise for L.A. residents, but on a Saturday about noon, after stopping in Hollywood on Vermont for some Philipino grocery shopping, it took two hours to make it back to the Valley, and no accidents were seen. Picture of speedometer below taken at full speed.

Finally, on Sat night, our final seder at Aunt Michele's.

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