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Philippine Visit...continued (Part II)
Monday, 6/18, we went to Manila to catch the ferry to visit Corregidor Island, site of famous WWII battle. However, despite the website saying the ferries ran every day, upon arrival, we learned they actually only run on weekends. Oh well....

On the way back, we were able to start a little secret car shopping, since Merle and Michelle were plotting to get a new car for Nanay.

We wound up later that day watching movies and hanging out with the kids. Here Andi gives us a lecture on proper technique for the selfie.

I also asked her if I need to use product*
(*hair style question...)

Tuesday 6/19, after breakfast at Nanay's, we first went for more secret (from Nanay) car shopping negotiations.
...but of course not without some traffic on the way.

After our morning shopping, we headed out to rendezvous with friends of Uncle Willie who have a dragonfruit farm in Batangas, which was a bit of a drive, but before the farm, first some lunch.

Uncle Willie's friend from school days is Romy, here with his wife Edna, as we walk among the dragonfruit plants

It was very warm there, but that fact didn't preclude Merle's excitement to find a papaya tree.
A dragonfruit is pictured below.

They were in the midst of building, on the farm, some resort type accommodations, shown here with a pool, for rentals through airbnb.

Apparently, there was a famous priest whose church was nearby, so we stopped by to catch the end (thank you know who!) of a mass that was occurring in a giant open air gazebo
They will even bless your car.
They didn't say if oil change was included.
(probably need the coupon for that) :)

After that, we went to a club of which Romy and Edna are members in Tagaytay Highlands, and we were so glad the car with all of us in it made it up the steep hills to get there. The place had a beautiful pool.

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