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Thanks for visiting, the worlds most up to date source on info relating to Merle and Mark!
(and thanks for checking us out!!!)
Leaving Solana Beach, CA, prior to moving to Albany, GA, May '06

Mark shows the view of the golf course from the backyard of 350 Punta Baja. No doubt, this view helped the house sell quickly.

Merle saying goodbye to her babies (aka, plants), and is here showing some tomato plants that at least the squirrels enjoyed eating.
Merle showing off the Oriental Lillies (one oriental showing off another) Ha!

Merle with the gladioli. She seems glad, but inside, she's probably sad (to be leaving them).

Day lillies.
They only live for a day. This picture was captured right before they were placed on life support.
Merle grew them from a small stalk temporarily borrowed from a local bank: "They were cutting them up and throwing them away anyways!!"
--M. Santos '06


Iceberg roses.

...with plenty of extra petals....

MW demonstrating his championship posture before .....ironing.

Or just hanging out in Solana Beach.

Or looking meaner than an actual stoneface....

Not too many pictures were taken on the way across the country, but here's Merle in front of the Alamo.
Overheard from another tourist: "it's great how they build the Alamo downtown..." :-0

We met Grace from the Girard office and her husband George for lunch near the Alamo. George works in the US military.
He made me do 100 pushups.

Stopped on the gulf coast in MS. Sort of did feel like coming home as we called people we knew from Greenville (hey, we're in your state, only five hours away!!). However, with all the destruction of hurricane Katrina, we were lucky to find a hotel room even at over twice the normal room rate.
At least the picture was free.

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