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Thanks for visiting, the worlds most up to date source on info relating to Merle and Mark!
(and thanks for checking us out!!!)
Visit to San Francisco for wedding of Eli and Paola 3/27 and then visit to L.A. (3/24-4/1/18)
(apologies to anyone we didn't get to see when out there...)
We arrive in SF on Sat 3/24, and what better local activity is there to do than to check out a protest rally! (following the Parkland HS shooting)

The rest of the day was spent seeing some sights and then dealing with the Apple store to get a new iPhone battery (no store in Albany). :*(

There was some cool artwork in the gallery across from where we stayed
(this is an oil painting).
Next day (Sun) we walk to the Ferry Building to meet Bruce Licht and Ron Kardos (and spouses) for brunch, here with SF bay behind us.

We are meandering around the mall there before the meeting, and I see someone who looks just like Kim Licht....

We had a great brunch at Marketbar also with Elise and Ron and our phones!
After that meeting, Merle met with her friends, and I had a brief meeting with Harry Jacobs (not pictured) and then took BART to Oakland to visit with Steve Pascal and Danna Gillette.

Back in the day....
Merle got to catch up with her friend Irene and Aunt Noemi for lunch.

...but when Merle got back to the hotel, they had to evacuate due to a fire in the Starbucks in the building.
However, all was right with the universe:
There was another Starbucks right across the street!
Next morning, 3/26, Merle got to visit over lunch with friends Donna and Epi
while I got the rental car to pick up my mom and Aunt Gloria from SFO.

The main reason for the trip was to attend the wedding of Eli and Paola.
Here we are at the rehearsal get together, from left David, mom (Sandi), Lori, Paola (bride), Eli (groom), MW and MS

too many carrot sticks for me.

Tues am 3/27, I got to visit with friend from forever ago, David Burk, at his office in SF.
Great visit.
This would be the "after" picture.

And this one is "before."
Yup, those were the days.
Back to the main event:
Here we are waiting before the wedding ceremony.

My mother was one of the flower girls.
The younger girls behind were probably wondering
"what grade is she in?"
David did the officiating in English and in Spanish.
Que Bueno!!

I'm thinking this is the part where he kisses the bride.
The new couple!

At the reception, Steve, Andrew, Gloria, Emily, Merle.
Lori and Eli did a mother-son dance.

Next day we travel to L.A., where we meet up with friends from med school Eda and Geoff for a lovely dinner, and they even let us crash there.
They have a great view of the Pacific Ocean.

We got to visit for lunch with Mycel and Arcie for...of course...Filipino food!

After that, Merle hung out with them, and then we met up for a quick visit with Paula and her gang. Jaidyn, Jacqui's baby, was just learning to walk, so we took turns bringing her back to the table.
That kid is fast!

Next day, 3/30, we meet up with friends from MS, Nathan and Ellen, for deli food at Art's in Studio City.
We even had a celebrity sighting:
Helen Hunt.
(we left her alone)
Before the Passover seder at my Aunt Michele's, we had a chance to visit with cousins Brian and Lana to discuss family affairs before and after the margaritas took effect.

A little reclining after the seder meal.
Landon, who is 7, had to do a report on doctors and actually had called me a few times to ask some questions.

Here is one of his main points:
"If you don't kill a lot of pathints you could win a award!"
I knew there was a reason I was in this business!!
Now back to it!!
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